Quality production and superior services of Aryadalman company

Aryadalman is a provider of granule services in three different sizes

Who are our contacts?



years experience

Aryadalman contacts include groups that operate in the livestock and poultry industry.

which includes poultry farmers, concentrate makers, livestock farmers, aquatic suppliers and pellet factories and veterinary pharmacies and poultry services all over the country, Aryadalman always provides new products to meet the needs of all kinds of animals. Aryadalman additive basket is detailed including the additives.


Aryadalman dicalcium phosphate exceeds standards

Aryadalman's philosophy

Aryadalman is proud to have used her maximum strength and effort in the short period of her activity in the mentioned fields and to always take fundamental steps in order to preserve and improve the country's livestock and poultry resources. And from 2001 until now, this company has succeeded in gaining representation from the first level companies active in the livestock and poultry industry in the world.

Aryadalman Company as a supplier of raw materials It started working and in a very short time it has become a company that supplies raw materials, manufactures, sells and distributes products and is always ready to serve different collections and brands in this field.

Aryadalman with customers

This company is the best producer of poultry concentrate with first-class European raw materials. The advantages of using ready-made concentrate for the production of poultry feed, for example, balanced and optimized formulation and easy implementation of the feed production process, in addition to the preparation and supply of all minerals and vitamins, Amino acid and other micronutrients are continuously with the customers

Aryadalman company has been steadily growing for 32 years has taken off and introduced its success as a brand specializing in additives for livestock and poultry feed.